Monday 18 April 2011

Bonpoint, Paris

I want to take a trip to Paris just to see Bonpoints flagship store! Take a look at this video. Just beautiful..

Saturday 16 April 2011

The Textile Institute: Everything You Need To Know About Childrenswear

Yesterday I went to LCF in Holborn to watch a lecture on childrenswear. It was so inspiring and helpful to hear experts talk about the industry. As a designer it was great to hear about the what not's in designing for children and the chemicals that can go into a product. Alot of the what not's seemed a bit extreme but at the same time completely understandable. For example: Hoods can be too large because if a child was to fall asleep wearing the garment the hood to fall down there face and suffocate them. So now hoods must be lined in breathable fabric to prevent this. Something I wouldn't of thought about but now after this lecture its given me a new understanding of design.
The most inspiring talks was from the company director of Skew. Skew are a company that focus on the entertainment business for the worlds favourite media companies. As someone that uses print and illustration in my projects this became really helpful to me and opened my eyes to another side to design. I've been reading there blog and have found some fantastic art on there from many artist and creators. Here are a few that made me chuckle:

Sunday 10 April 2011

New Strong-Handed Dinosaur called...SARAHSAURUS!!

My boyfriend posted this link to me. I cant believe theres a dinosaur called Sarahsaurus!! Amazing! Check out this link below for more info:


Yesterday I spent the day stitching my business cards. I used skin colour cotton and embroidery thread to create my characters. Then white linen and actuate, with my contact details on, and zig zag stitch to attach onto the cotton. I decided to create a business card that would stand out and what people/companies would remember and cherish. I feel these tick all these boxes. Yes they may not be practical but its more important to me to have a creative business card that stand out, which will be remembered. The only problem is that they take forever to make and I'm not sure i have the time to create them =( I will see what my course leader says about them then come up with a solution.

Let me know what you think =)

I also drew a few designs for packaging. I really like the long rectangle bag with "Sarahsaurus" written in large across the bag with the box which has the "Sarahsaurus" written on the right hand corner. The brand name will be raised on both the bag and box in each seasons colours. For my S/S Collection the colours for this season will be Lime Green, Pastel Yellow, Pastel Blue, Pastel Pink and Grey.

Portfolio Pages..

From the previous post, as promised, here are pictures from my portfolio what I sent to George @ Asda. (Some pieces have been added and edited from what was shown to George)

Saturday 2 April 2011

Meeting With George at Asda..

My tutor had a meeting with George @ Asda on Thursday to discuss Graduate Fashion Week. She asked me if she could take some of my work to show them at this meeting. Straight away i gathered all my boards together, put them in plastic portfolio wallets and caught her just before she was leaving. This was a fantastic opportunity for George to see what I was up to before the event in June.
I caught up with her yesterday to see how it went and her words "they are very keen and will be looking out for you!". AMAZING! I'm soo happy to know my work has been noticed. I was also told they are going global with childrenswear which i am over the moon about and is something i would definitely be up for!

I will upload some images of my presentation boards soon!!