Sunday 21 October 2012

Dream Denim

Just when I saw saying how AW12 trends can inspire me for SS14 designing...Well looks whats predicted for SS14 kidswear...#dreamdenim (Sold Design

Let's Begin..

So I've decided to focus on SS14. Unfortunately SS13 hasn't even hit the shops yet but when I've been to visiting shops recently I still feel inspired by the AW12 trends.

I found these AMAZING girls jeans in Next London Colney store. I absolutely love how fun these are! So I'm pinning this up on my cork board as my first piece of inspiration for SS14.

Back Again!!!

Once again I've deprived my blog. I get so distracted with life that I forget to write things down. Well I've decided I'm going to start again...I really want to kick start the Sarahsaurus brand again. I want to get back into designing my own things. So this is me starting again. I'm going to start a new project and get designing!! I'll keep you all updated in what inspires me and how its all going....wish me luck!!(Hopefully I can get some more followers too!!!!!!)